August MBE of the Month

August MBE of the Month

August MBE of the Month Congratulations Street Source Marketing Ivan Burwell, Founder of Street Source Marketing, is the epitome of MBEexcellence! He not only has been a CERTIFIED member of the council foryears, but he helps DEVELOP MBEs during various workshops,...
July MBE of the Month

July MBE of the Month

July MBE of the Month Congratulations Keystone Gifts Hoorah to Carolyn Seeger, owner of Keystone Gifts, being the featured MBE for the month of July! Ms. Seeger has exhibited the four pillars of the NMSDC which are Certify, Develop, Connect and Advocate! Carolyn...
June MBE of the Month

June MBE of the Month

June MBE of the Month Congratulations Misfit IslandKudos to MisFit Island owner, Sean Baxter, the featured MBE for the month of June! Mr. Baxter has become certified and jumped head first into the Council Community. Not only has Mr. Baxter become certified, he has...
May MBE of the Month

May MBE of the Month

May MBE of the Month Congratulations Candidate ToolsCongratulations to Lee Biles , owner of Candidate Tools LLC on being the featured MBE for the month of May. Mr. Biles has exhibited the four pillars of the NMSDC which are Certify, Develop, Connect and Advocate! Lee...

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