May MBE of the Month

Congratulations Candidate Tools

Congratulations to Lee Biles , owner of Candidate Tools LLC on being the featured MBE for the month of May. Mr. Biles has exhibited the four pillars of the NMSDC which are Certify, Develop, Connect and Advocate! Lee ensured that Candidate Tools LLC is a certified MBE, he has developed stakeholders within the council to include helping with securing new staffing needs, connected with other MBEs and corporate members at the BOE and council webinars, and he advocates for MBEs and the MPMSDC regionally and nation wide. Lee has not only shown up, but showed out in the MPMSDC for the months of March, April and May with the highest attendance for MPMSDC events! Congratulations Lee Biles of Candidate Tools LLC!

Meet Lee Biles

About Founder and Owner Lee Biles: Leavett Biles is the inventor and owner of Candidate Tools, LLC a web-based, SaaS (software as a service) company providing automated recruiting and prescreening software that promotes Diversity.
Based in Denver, Colorado, Candidate Tools leverages Data Science to quickly prescreen job seekers for skills and behavior. Employers use Candidate Tools to make hiring decisions and seamlessly improve Diversity, Inclusion and quality of new hires.
Prior to inventing Candidate Tools, Biles was an Assistant Vice President and Recruiting Manager at Robert Half Technology and a pioneer of multimedia integration for companies like, The Denver Post, Los Angeles Times, Tribune Company, and Gannett.
As a Recruiter, Biles has successfully recruited staff for UBS, Deloitte, Sony, Charles Schwab and The University of Denver.

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