Corporate Member Requirements

Becoming a member is easy

The requirements for corporate members becoming a part of the MPMSDC are simple and straightforward. Generally speaking, the Mountain Plains Minority Supplier Development Council welcomes majority-owned companies of all shapes and sizes so long as they pay their dues, report their minority spending activity, and demonstrate their commitment to supplier diversity throughout the term of their membership.

Regarding this third point, it is critical that the MPMSDC takes participation into account. In order for our organization to be successful, we require active participation from all of our corporate members so that we’re going beyond talking points and actually delivering on our promise to promote economic growth among ethnic communities.

Participation requirements for corporate members

  • Must attend at least one sponsored networking event each year —  (Examples) Annual Golf Tournament, Business Opportunity Exchange, Business Alliance Forum, Corporate Round Table, or MBE Outreach Event
  • Must sponsor at least one Council event per year – Business Opportunity Exchange, Annual Golf Tournament, Business Opportunity Exchange, or Access Opportunity Event
  • Must pay annual dues fee calculated based on number of full-time U.S. employees at your company

Annual Corporate Member Dues Structure:

Non-Profit & Government
(except Higher Education)

# of Employees – For-profit and Higher Education
<500 500 –
1,000 –
5,000 –
Annual Fee $3,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000


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