What Is Corporate Plus?

Become a Member

This Program is a direct result of increasing requests from National Corporate Members that the National Minority Supplier Development Council assist them in locating more minority businesses with capacity for national contracts. Many corporations report they are consolidating their supplier base in an effort to control total supplier quality management and costs, while at the same time increasing partnerships with Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) that can provide creative solutions for meeting business initiatives. Corporate Plus® is a national membership category for National Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) designed to recognize their national capabilities, bring them to the attention of more National Corporate Members, and expand their participation in the NMSDC Network.

Everyone wins through the Corporate Plus® program: 

  • National Corporate Members will have a proven list of experienced national MBEs that have been recommended by other major corporations.
  • National MBEs will have greater access and opportunities to other National Corporate Members.
  • National Corporate Plus® Members will provide additional opportunities to other MBEs through continued development of their own internal minority business development programs.

Minority businesses are one of the fastest growing business segments, and they are well-positioned to contribute both to job growth and to the overall economic health of minority communities and the country as a whole. 

Why Should Minority Businesses Join Corporate Plus®?

  • Increases opportunities to expand contacts with National Corporate Members beyond the traditional networking sessions.
  • Provides continuing national exposure of MBEs who have gone to the next level and are capable of meeting National Corporate Members’ requirements on a national basis.
  • Creates more visibility to major corporations because of heightened awareness of National Corporate Plus® Members’ capabilities through recommendations made by other major corporations.
  • Enhances abilities to positively influence growth and expansion of smaller MBEs by providing expertise and additional opportunities through internal minority business development programs.
  • Provides access to a full-time NMSDC Director of New Business Development who can provide on-going linkage to National Corporate Members who are seeking MBEs of Corporate Plus caliber.

Which Minority Businesses Are Eligible For The Corporate Plus® Program?

  • MBEs recommended by a National Corporate Member of the NMSDC
  • MBEs doing business on a national basis, with confirmation provided by the National Corporate Member who recommended participation in the Corporate Plus® program.
  • MBEs who are certified by the NMSDC-affiliated council closest to their headquarters.
  • MBEs pay annual national membership dues.
  • MBEs are strongly encouraged to have or develop their own internal minority business development program, and report results to NMSDC.


Get in Touch

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