June MBE of the Month
Congratulations Misfit Island
Kudos to MisFit Island owner, Sean Baxter, the featured MBE for the month of June! Mr. Baxter has become certified and jumped head first into the Council Community. Not only has Mr. Baxter become certified, he has begun developing his website and networking relationships. His zeal to be one of the top diverse customer and user experience research consultants is on track. He also participated in the 2021 Annual Golf Tournament and WON the final raffle prize, which shows his participation in events. We ask MBEs to show and Sean has not only shown up, but proven he is committed to being an ACTIVE MBE month after month. Congratulations Sean Baxter of MisFit Island!
Meet Sean Baxter
Sean Baxter leads Misfit Island and has extensive experience in customer and user experience research. He’s helmed hundreds of design projects over his 24+
years of industry experience. He’s worked with Adobe, HP, Cisco, Teletech, Nutrien Ag Solutions, Lexus, AT&T, Comcast Business, and many other organizations
to deliver exceptional experience insights .Additionally, he’s worked in North America, South America, Africa, and Europe and has conducted business remotely with teams in India and Australia.
Sean can be reached at (720) 398-4667 or arrive@misfitis.land
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/misfitisland/
Website: misfitis.land
Facebook: www.facebook.com/misfitis.land
Twitter: twitter.com/misfitis_land
Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/misfitis.land