Become A Corporate Member

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To take the first step towards becoming a Corporate Member, please download and complete the Corporate Membership Application

If you would like to pay the application fee by credit card, please contact the Council at (303) 623-3037.

Please direct any Corporate Membership questions to:

Belinda Hooks
Executive Vice President – Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska and Western Missouri
303-623-3037 x204

NMSDC Central

Membership Benefits (


Get exclusive access to the nation’s top MBEs

One of the key benefits of corporate membership with MPMSDC is that you gain access to our comprehensive online directory of certified minority vendors, listed by industry. This directory offers you a complete listing of our “best in class” MBEs, many of whom have been recognized for their award-winning products and services. Regardless of your company’s needs, the MPSDC can match you with certified MBEs that are well-equipped to handle your specific area of need.

Reap the financial benefits of supplier diversity

Independent research has shown that companies who focus heavily on supplier diversity generate a 133% greater return on procurement investments than their counterparts. The difference is typically attributed to MBEs’ ability to deliver equal value at a lower operating cost than their competitors. Minority business owners face unique challenges that require them to adapt to their industries and markets. As a result, MBEs also tend to be at the forefront of innovation and creativity in their respective fields. This situation presents corporations with an ongoing opportunity to make cost-effective business decisions that have the added benefit of positively impacting minority communities.

Build wealth and loyalty among your target customers

There is a steady demographic shift taking place in America, with minority groups becoming a larger percentage of our population — and therefore a larger economic force in our economy. If your company expects to sell your products and services to all segments of the U.S. population, you should be prepared to contribute to the economic well-being of those same demographic segments. Research has shown that diverse suppliers tend to hire more Black, Asian, American Indian, Latino and other underrepresented employees than their white, male counterparts. By supporting minority suppliers, your company will make a direct impact with minority communities in our country and position you to become a top brand among those respective demographic segments.

Receive personalized business matchmaking services

Sometimes our corporate members are too busy to find and screen their own candidates for contracts. For this reason, we offer our corporate members personalized matchmaking services where you tell us what you need, the scope and scale of work to be done, and we seek out and pre-screen appropriate candidates from our database of MBEs. Our personal relationships with both corporations and MBEs make us uniquely qualified to find a match that works for both parties.

Attract top MBEs to work with your corporation

By becoming a corporate member, your company gains instant recognition as a supporter of supplier diversity. The MPMSDC’s annual lineup of networking events will make your company a desirable target for our broad base of MBEs, all of whom will be eager to help your business in various capacities.

Furthermore, the MPMSDC offers numerous sponsorship opportunities that ensure that all of the region’s top MBEs know that your company is interested in working with certified minority business enterprises. By getting your message out, your company is sure to have a steady stream of prospective MBEs waiting on deck in the event that a new procurement opportunity arises.

Gain peace-of-mind

The MPMSDC goes to great lengths to verify that our minority suppliers meet the criteria set forth by our national parent organization. As a corporate member, our efforts help you by ensuring that all of our certified MBEs are truly minority-owned and operated. Our commitment to the certification process gives corporate members peace of mind, knowing that their efforts to support supplier diversity are truly being realized.