The Mountain Plains MSDC was thrilled to participate in the 20th Biennial Celebration. The Native Omahans Club has joined forces with Omaha Economic Development Corporation (OEDC) and 20+ community partners to develop and present their 20th Biennial Celebration from July 27 through August 3. “Ain’t No Stopping Us Now!” was the theme for this year’s unprecedented list of activities.

The week was jam packed with all sorts of events including golf outings, comedy jam, jazz and gospel music, children’s activities, and trolley tours. In it’s third year, the very popular and well attended Love of Arts and Music Festival was held on the campus of Metropolitan Community College. New to this years celebrations were a Food, Arts and Culture Expo as well as a gallery featuring local, regional and national artists.

The week of celebrations bring back countless people who have left the Omaha area throughout the years. “Tens of thousands of people come back to Omaha during this celebration,” said Willie Barney, President of the Empowerment Network. “This has positive economic impact on North Omaha and the entire city…”.

“It also provides a great opportunity for the visitors and the whole nation to hear about and see some of the positive things happening in North Omaha. Over $300 million in development is occurring in North Omaha right now,” said Barney.

Native Omahans Days was founded in 1976 and has become a one-of-a-kind homecoming celebration that brings thousands back to the city and specifically North Omaha. The mission of the Native Omahans Club, Inc. is to promote positive social welfare, common good, scholarships and cultural, social and recreational activities. The group aims to assist in providing support to achieve understanding, respect and diversity through committed volunteers, leadership, and standards of excellence for the City of Omaha and the North Omaha community.

Founded in 1977, Alvin Goodwin and a few other community leaders made it their duty to bring life back to the North Omaha community by creating Omaha Economic Development Corporation (OEDC) as a 501(c)3 non-profit. A lot of progress has been made in revitalizing the community. New housing has been created, jobs have been added and community partners have been made from around the city. OEDC has worked hard with others to observe the amazing history of North Omaha. By developing partnerships between communities, non-profits, other community development corporations and private entities, the organization has been able to focus on the strategy of leveraging revitalization resources to achieve positive changes that contributed to social and economic success in neighborhoods.

The Council looks forward to participating in 2017!

“NOC 20th Biennial Celebration – “Ain’t No Stopping Us Now!”” The Omaha Star [Omaha] 17 July 2015, 77th ed., sec. 28: 1-2. Print.

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