
Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon signed an executive order late last month to promote diversity, provide greater opportunities for minority and women-owned businesses, and encourage the creation of small businesses.

“Missouri’s rich diversity is one of our greatest strengths, and the executive order I signed will help ensure that state government benefits from the skills and ingenuity of minority- and women-owned businesses in every corner of Missouri,” Gov. Nixon said. “By giving these businesses the opportunity to compete for government contracts on a level playing-field, this executive order will promote greater diversity in government contracting and job creation in communities across the Show-Me State.”

In addition to setting an overall participation goal for minority-owned and women-owned businesses of 10 percent, respectively, Executive Order 15-06 also directs the Office of Administration to administer an electronic contracting system that will allow Missourians to easily access state contracting information and allow for the collection of data to document progress in achieving the M/WBE percentage goals. Click here to continue.

Content published by The Missouri Times on Oct. 21, 2015

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