•  September 12, 2017
     8:00 am - 4:00 pm




The Business Opportunity Exchange that will take place in Colorado, Kansas City, and Omaha provides significant opportunities for the corporate members of the Mountain Plains MSDC and the MBEs certified by the Mountain Plains MSDC to strengthen its current business relationships and to forge new and beneficial relationships. The event features Round Tables and Guest Speakers. Additionally, one-on-one sessions with buyers from participating Corporate Members may be scheduled prior to the event during the Power Pavilion.

Expo Features

  • One-on-One Connections Zone to Connect ~Corporate and MBE’s for Future Business Partnerships
  • Round Tables
  • Access to Regional & National Corporations
  • Power Speakers
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Raffle Prizes
  • VIP Reception and More…


Click Here to Register


7:00 am – 8:00 am: Set-up /Registration

  • 8:00 am – 9:30 am:     Breakfast Program
  • 10:00 am-11:30 am:   Trade Fair & Connection Zone
  • 11:30 am – 1:00 pm:   Lunch Program
  • 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm:     Trade Fair & Connection Zone Continued
  • 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm:     Closing Reception


Individuals: Full Day Pass (Includes Breakfast Ticket, Luncheon Ticket, Access to Market Trade Fair and One-on-One Connection Zone)
Full Day Corporate Member, MBE & Government / Partner Attendee pass 
$75 Per Person
Full Day Non-Corporate Member & Non-MBE
$95 per Person 

Exhibitor packages include: one (1) Full Day Pass (Includes breakfast and luncheon ticket)

  • MBE – $125
  • Non-Profit/Strategic Partner/Government Entity – $125
  • Non-Corporate Member/Non-MBE – $175
  • Corporate Member – $175

Breakfast Keynote Speaker 

Leon Milobar

District Director

Small Business Administration Nebraska District Office

Luncheon Panel 

Jim O’Rourke

Chief Procurement Officer and SVP

ConAgra Brands

Wendy Whalen

Assistant Vice President Supply Chain

Union Pacific Railroad

Stan Sena

President / CEO

Mountain Plains MSDC

The Economic Engine: Refueling a Diverse Supplier Base

A panel of Corporate Members with a track record of success engage in a robust discussion about the role of minority business enterprises in the supply chain in the future. Our panel will discuss how minority suppliers add value to their businesses and how corporate commitment to minority supplier development helps drive opportunities for minority

Click Here to Register

(402) 835-4076  –  1311 Fort Crook Rd. South, Suite 203a  –  Bellevue, NE 68005


The Connection Zone (One-on-One) is an integrative procurement event that brings together corporations and small businesses in focused, one-on-one interviews. Small Business Owners will have the opportunity to participate in interviews, sharing the details of their products and services. Corporate members take advantage of presenting their current and future procurement needs to multiple organizations at one event. This event is pre-scheduled and highly structured, allowing participants to make the most of their 10-minute interviews, with a 5-minute break between each interview.

Following is a list of Corporate companies in the Connection Zone:

  • JE Dunn
  • Creighton University
  • Union Pacific
  • ConAgra Brands
  • Metropolitan Utilities District
  • SBA
  • Minority Business Center

Each small business can register up to five 10-minute interviews. Registration will be held on a first-come, first-served basis. The MPMSDC will make every effort to provide advance notice of current bids and contracts available to ensure that the appropriate suppliers/vendors are set up with the appropriate buyers. Upon completion of registration, you will receive your entrance ticket.

If you are a small business owner, CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR THE CONNECTION ZONE.

Sponsorship Opportunities Still Available

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