•  February 10, 2016
     9:00 am - 10:00 am

MBE Pre-Certification Workshop

Feb 10, 2016, 10am CST / 9am MST


The MBE Certification with the Mountain Plains Minority Supplier Development Council puts your company at the forefront of corporate entities all over the country, as it is a nationally recognized certification.

Come learn about the benefits and services associated with certifying; and receive instructional insight on completing the MBE Certification application.

Don’t miss your chance to attend this workshop…It will be a powerful tool in propelling your business forward!


To currently certified MBEs: Know of any minority owned companies that aren’t currently certified with the Mountain Plains MSDC? Please send their contact info to elizabeth@mpmsdc.org, as this session is NOT to be missed!


RSVP to Elizabeth@mpmsdc.org. As space is limited, please note whether you will be attending the event in Kansas City, MO or utilizing the webinar option.

Date: Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Time: 10am – 11:30 am CST / 9am – 10:30 MST

Location: UMB Bank, 928 Grand Blvd, Kansas City, MO 64106


PARKING INSTRUCTIONS:  Parking is available in the attached garage on Grand Blvd. Once entering the building guests will need to go to the guard station to sign in and UMB staff will direct them to the meeting space upstairs.  Attendees will be provided with parking vouchers to use when exiting the garage.



Link to live online webinar: https://meetings.ringcentral.com/j/1498208494

Or dial by phone: Dial: 605-562-3185; Meeting code: 149 820 8494#.

If joining by phone:

  1. click on the web link prior to joining by phone.
  2. Utilize the participant ID provided on the web application to join by phone.

NOTE: In preparation for the webinar, click on the link above 1-2 hours in advance to download the software.




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