Who Are We?

The Minority Business Enterprise Input Committee (MBEIC) is the leadership group of Certified Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) within the Mountain Plains MSDC. In addition to serving on the MBEIC, the MBEIC Chair serves on the Mountain Plains MSDC’s Board of Directors.

The MBEIC is a critical component in the Mountain Plains MSDC and helps to assist the Mountain Plains MSDC with various issues concerning the MBE community. The MBEIC takes on many tasks throughout their term including:

  • Acting as an advocate for issues related to minority business development
  • Providing a platform for suppliers to network and partner for future business opportunities
  • Supporting the mission of the Mountain Plains MSDC
  • Recommending and developing programs for the Mountain Plains MSDCs MBEs and our diverse partners
  • Serving as a liaison between the MBEs and the Mountain Plains MSDCs Board of Directors.

MBEIC Members (Contact info on the Council website www.mpmsdc.org):

Chair,Thalia Cherry, Cherry Dzynes Sportsgear

Vice-Chair, Denise Christopher, CKB Enterprises, Inc.

Parliamentarian, Les Townsend, Townsend MGMT, Group, LLC

Albert Gonzales, Gonzales Consulting Services

Edweena Gilmore, Gilmore Construction Corporation

Keith Fix, Perfecta Media, LLC dba Blabfeed

Richard Whayne, Whayne & Sons Enterprises, Inc

Ruth Hollins, SOS Nursing Services, Inc. dba SOS Healthcare Staffing


MBEIC Looking for New Members

The Kansas Missouri region is looking for MBEs that are interested in participating as members of the MBEIC representing the region of Kansas City, Missouri.  If you have an interest to serve the MBE community with a commitment to the MBEIC, please contact Albert Gonzales (Chair of our Nomination Sub-Committee) at gpnzales@gcs-usa.com.

MBEIC Finalizes 2016 Initiative to Study and Implement an Industry Model Outreach

The MBEIC finalized its 2016 strategic initiative on the new Industry Model concept which provides an opportunity for both MBE’s and Corporations to work together in developing approaches to bridge the gap between corporations and MBE’s.  A Beta test is underway with a 3-month testing period.

Two Think Tanks, consisting of MBEs and Corporations will separately and then jointly develop goals and strategic plans to create better contracting opportunities for both MBEs and Corporations. A Beta test with the Construction Industry began in March 2017 after a year of strategic planning on how MBE’s, the “Council” and Corporations could benefit from an Industry approach and subsequent Implementation planning. The MBEIC is looking for Construction companies with the NAICS code of 236220 and 541310 and associated construction trades to participate in the beta test.  Participation will provide an opportunity for MBEs to work directly with other successful MBEs as well as Construction Corporation management.  MBEs interested in participating in the Construction Industry Beta tests, should contact Edweena Gilmore (Chair of the MBE Construction Industry Sub-Committee) at egilmore@gilmorecc.com.  After the completion of the Construction Industry Model, the MBEIC will move forward with adding additional industry groups from various industries.  We are excited about this new initiative and will be reporting back to the MBE community on this endeavor.

MBEIC 2018 Initiatives

The MBEIC will begin discussing the initiative that the MBE community presented at the 2017 MBE All Hands Meeting in November 2017.  The subject matters raised at the All Hands meeting were:

  • Mentor Protégé Program (MBE and Corporations and MBE and Corporate Plus MBE’s)
  • Find Way to Increase MBE to MBE Corporate Plus Relationships
  • Identify a New Industry, other than Construction, for phase ll implementation of the Industry Model Program

We look forward to initiating discussions on these topics to prioritize our initiatives for 2018.  Thank you to the MBE community for presenting your topics of interest for our 2018 calendar year.  Updates will be provided as we progress.


**The MBEIC will be featuring MBE members in each of our news updates in the MPMSDC newsletter.  If you are interested in introducing your company to our MBE and Corporate members, please contact Thalia Cherry (Chair) at info@Cherrysportsgear.com

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