June Corporation of the Month

Congratulations MLB

MLB’s Supplier Diversity Program, also known as Diverse Business Partners (DBP), cultivates new and existing partnerships with minority and women-owned businesses (MWBEs). This program extends Baseball’s ability to contribute
to the economic growth, strength and well being of local communities by providing
access and opportunities for historically underrepresented business owners to participate in the procurement activities of MLB. Since its formation 1998, MLB and its Clubs have spent nearly $2 billion with diverse-owned businesses.
-Supplier Diversity Summit. The Supplier Diversity Summit provides diverse-owned businesses (inclusive of those owned by people of color, women, veterans, members of the LGBTQ community and disabled persons) the opportunity to pitch their businesses to representatives from MLB and MLB Clubs. Suppliers also can attend panels and programming hosted by MLB.
– Hosted annually during the Winter Meetings Black History Month C-Suite Coaches Workshops
– In February 2021, for Black History Month, the DBP hosted a series of workshops for over 150 Black-owned businesses and Club procurement representatives. Topics included amplifying, building, and improving business practices during the pandemic.

Pro Bono Marketing
– MLB provides pro bono banner-ad space on MLB.com and billboards on the MLB Network to MLB Diverse Business Partners.
– $398k in donated ad space on MLB.com and MLB Network for diverse suppliers (Black, Women, Asian, LGBTQ+) to date. Including, the donation made to 50 certified MBEs of the
Mountain Plains MSDC to include their AD on the MLB website. Most Valuable Diverse Business Partner Award MLB and its Clubs recognize partners who have gone above and
beyond with the Annual Jackie Robinson Most Valuable Diverse Business Partner Award. This award is presented by each Club, on the field, during Jackie Robinson Day (April 15 – 16).

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