MBE All Hands Forum


The Mountain Plains MSDC’s own MBE Input Committee (MBEIC) has been planning an amazing forum for our MBEs to attend, free of charge! This exciting event will not only give introductions to the MBEIC and their role in the council, but will also feature workshops designed to improve and enhance all MBEs as well as MBE to MBE networking opportunities. Leading the charge, D Arnold, the chairman is also working hard to provide surveys to gain more insight on the needs of the MPMSDC MBEs as well as give more information from a National standpoint, as D serves on the National MBEIC. The All Hands Forum is a 2-hour event, which will take place August 25, 2021 from 10am-12pm MST. The MBEIC is not only thrilled to host, but excited to connect with MBEs from the Mountain Plains region and beyond.

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